Monday, February 22, 2010

Journey 15 Feb 2010

The journey begins..

Start from the estate to Beluran at about 10.00 am(after simple breakfast prepared by Stacy)..Nasi goreng with nescafe..(tu nescafe tawar woo..ekeke)..have to go to Beluran because tayar bocor,so kena tampal d Shell Beluran..About 11.00am,siap suda repair tayar,go to beli some barang makan n air..mahal juga harga barang2 runcit sini Beluran ni..but what to do,jauh dari bandar,so kena la kasi biasa diri..

Around 12pm,bertolak ke KK..254km - Kota Kinabalu..wahh!!!...jauh x apa,drive slow..i really hate going through the road between Telupid and Sandakan..tiau betul..lubang sana sini..suda la C Ijau ni rendah,hentam lagi masuk lubang,aduina..kesian ni kereta..

around 12.45pm,arrive at Telupid..x plan mau singga coz dua2 masi kenyang,next destination is Ranau mari..jauh lagi woo..kalau byk kereta,around 2hours drive lagi..cess..x apa,bw kereta slow2 ja la..along the road,Stacy pasang la henpon dia..kesian,my car punya radio rosak..cadang mau repair,tp x da masa yang sesuai..maybe next time (next planning is on 26 Feb ANTAR REPAIR)..


limpas Paginatan,cdg mau ambi gmbar,tp malas pula mau time,teruskan lagi perjalanan..sampai jak dekat simpang Poring,masuk 15km ke dalam,planning mau gambar2 d dalam,tp aduina..punya byk org..penuh1!!!..pengajaran sa dpt,kalau mau p sini,jgn p masa cuti..ramai,kami pun p mkn jak..

1 x tingu menu harga,punya mahal..adui na..melayang duit ku..lapar punya pasal,main order ja,x tingu harga..silap betul ni..(takut kuyak)..haha..jam 4 begitu,teruskan lagi perjalanan lepasisi minyak d Shell Ranau (ada Bonuslink,tu la p Shell ja..x tau kalau ada kad Mesra Petronas mcmana?)..


Ni kali sa x da alasan x mau d Paginatan,Stacy suda tarik muka kali,kasi senang hati dia sikit..turun la kami tingu scenery..sorryla kualiti gambar x bgs..henpon punya kamera jak baini..hehe..ada la juga beberapa orang mcm student kolej lagi lepak sana jg..siuk woo duduk2,tingu matahari,kena tiup angin..wahh...(imagine,tutup mata kunun)..


So,lepas ja kasi puas hati tingu2 pemandangan,trus kan lagi perjalanan..Limpas Nabalu, simpang KB,Tamparuli,direct to Tuaran..Sempat lagi ambi gambar sunset on the way d,i reach KK around 6pm..standard punya masa la minyak?RM23.00 (slalu isi kasi genap),tau suda ni kali brapa mau buget..haha..

So,itulah 1st try sa jalan2 pusing Sabah ni..x byk gambar,sbb kualiti kamera henpon jak time try la ambi gambar byk2 ni..Anyway,it was a drive to remember..

P/s:next destination, Telupid and Tongod..

Frankie Raphael

Monday, February 1, 2010

Around Sabah in 365 Days

Suddely this crazy idea pop in into my head..Why i didnt think about this earlier?..time constraint? Money constraint?or just because laziness?why didnt i think about this earlier?..sigh..well,this idea i called it 'Around Sabah In 365 Days'..well,january has already ended,but it would be catchy if i just take the whole day in a year..haha..just to make it more 'interesting' to read..

well,my idea is to go around sabah the whole year around when things are permittable..i mean,once or twice a would be great if i could have some time to explore sabah and enjoy the beauty of sabah,my home country,the land belowe the wind.besides,i dont want to regret the in the future saying that 'argh,i should have gone there when i had the chances'.

life is not about regrettting the past,but it is about enjoying life as much as u possible can ..hahaha..

when will i start it?..well,guest starting it week i would have some time to go to some places i have never been (i mean on my own)..,hehe..and where should i start?..i was thinking of either going to sandakan or ranau..both have some interesting places where i could go and visit..i dont know which one to chose but anyhow,i would have sufficient time to think about it until next saturday..

cant wait to start the journey..

what should i bring?of course la 'C Hijau',camera and some pocket money..that would be sufficient,i think..oh wait,i must bring also some notes and clothes,just in case..hehe..but i dont have a camera? worries,what's the use of a handphone?..but the quality is not good..then i better borrow it..but from whom?..ah,susah2, byk tanya bagus sa beli sendiri la..puas hati?..geram betul..sometimes our second heart can twist our feelings,our mood and way of,after this i would start listing out all the items that i should bring for my journey..haha

i have listed out all the cities, districts and small districts in sabah..(tulung la komen kalau sa ada ter'miss' apa2 kio..yala,sa bukan pernah p semua tempat)..after this,i need to find a map..of course la i need a map,nanti sesat tgh jalan susah woo..sia2 ja kena cari nanti..

whom should i bring or meet?..maybe some Facebook friends..maybe some old friends from UMS..anyone can,i must start searching all of my frineds contact people restriction..

what the hell are u doing?u are wasting your time doing all this nonsense?..ahh..just shut up will reason for doing this is to visit places that i have not visited yet..with this also i could meet old friend and who knows,meet a lot of friends along the road?..i just want to enjoy this simple life by walking the long road..haha..double meaning ka tu?

so,the journey will start once i have finished all my planning and preparations..hope to see lots of friends along the road,and the most important thing is to enjoy this simple life.. 


Frankie Raphael

p/s:will start preparing the items,visit schedule, and also,search for contact C Hijau dulu..