The first step to technology..
Hallo..ekekeke...formal juga tu..
This is my 1st step into technology..blogging?dari dulu lagi sa mau try ba tu,tp disebabkan ekonomi yg inda menentu(jarang2 dpt p cyber) dan kekurangan masa untuk online,paksa di tangguhkan niat..tapi ni ari (15 Nov 09),inda tau apa hal tiba2 jak ada idea mau buat blog..inda tau apa mau tulis,so antam sajala..haha..
i come from a poor,technology lambat sampai in my 1st henpon (ntah brapa hand suda) was at form 4..itupun henpon ada getah sbb kalau inda ikat,tu bateri pandai jatuh..haha..kasian betul masa tu..brand henpon sa masa tu Siemens (yang slim n transparent color dia..inda ingat model)..but that time,ada henpon pun kira mcm hepi betul tu..kira mcm canggih la kunun masa 1st number was Digi..sampai skng masi guna lagi..(digi masa tu inda kuat line d kampung,so kalau mau buat kol@sms,mesti duduk d beranda rumah@panjat pokok..haha)..wpun inda kuat line,masi juga mau beli DG sbb ex-sumandak masa tu guna DG juga..haha..inda mau rugi kan..ini number digi pun sa masi ingat lagi,pinjam duit kazen mau beli..wakakaka...betul2 kasian..harga sim masi mahal masa tu//RM50.trus kana simpan ada mcm bekas tin tu..wakakaka...(to my kazen c Titi, pinjam duit ko masa tu,sampai skng masi belum tahun sa check2 jurnal sa semalam,baru sa nampak notes yg sa utang ko..hehe..siou..)..start dari sana,i know im stepping into a new tech world..
after ada henpon.slowly sa jarang suda isi daily jurnal sa..then lama2,pupus suda habit sa mau tulis jurnal..but just recently, a friend of mine ask me to write a blog..actually mala sa jg mau tulis2 ni,tp seems that i'm bored today,apa salahnya sa tulis blog..saja2 isi2 masa kan?,kalau kamurang sudi baca,baca ja la blog ni..sometimes,kalau ada idea,jgn hairan kalau sa pandai2 buat la terjadi kalau sa duduk diam2 lama2 (fikiran pandai melayang2,mcm2 ja tu idea kunun)..but i would like to thank that friend of mine for encouraging me to start thius blog..i maybe seldom update my blog (usually will be updated on sundays@saturday-jadual kunun),so,paam2 jala..hehe..
Todays topic..
Since last nite i was waiting for today (15Nov 09)..I receive an sms 'Tung Ma Express, Jam 8 SB17889'..hehe..apa la kena kirim ni? it something that i think of?..hehe..this morning,wake up (lambat suda),kelam kabut mandi..trus p terminal..on the way,lupa pula mau tambah engine oil n brake oil..adui..stop lagi d workshop (semalam suda plan mau refill sendiri,tp kelam kabut,terlupa suda..huhu..melayang inda pa..yg penting keta ok)..hehe..after that,trus p Terminal Sandakan d batu 2 1/2..sampai sana,excited plus nervous..haha..dapat ja tu package,open d keta..dapat suda tu 'hati' means a lot..thanks a lot..later i'll wear it and send a's mission is i drive with a grat mood..hehe..
but siok2 drive,sampai traffic light..,boom!!!..oh no..kena langgar ka?..ada bunyi lampu pecah..suma keta stop tingu belakang..'jgnla sa yg kena'..slowly turning my head to the back,i saw a Toyota Vios..tingu2,bukan sa yang kena 'bang'..The Vios was hit from behind..huh..lega..but i pity that guy driver..panik muka dia..lampu ukar p ijau,i left that accident scene dgn separuh semangat sa ilang..huh..tus p Batu 4 (Kim Fung),cari kedai makan..
this is the turning i was eating my mee sup,a guy went in..dari jauh suda 1st i didnt really care,but bila sa tingu dia balik,dia bagi muka sama sa..huina..bikin panas..jalan lalu depan sa,masi lagi meningu..bulls**t juga dia ni..apa masalah ni urang ni tingu sa mcm tu?..bila minta order,i know org *..cehh..patutla action...lantakla kamurang..i dont care..jgn kacau sa makan suda..
moral of the story?the way we act and look at others may irrite people around us..we live in a small world,so why should we act like a fool,show our ego as if we are the king and queen of the area..starting from this 'arrogance',we might end up beeing 'inhuman'..i know not all people mcm tu,tp small portion of the people in this world do that..and these type of people who will start the hatred and war..mcm ada 1 lagu the late Michael Jackson-what about us,we must be at least considerate with others..hehe..
ok2..i know i talk too much,sa stop la..hehe..if ada pihak yg rasa tersinggung,im sorry..but i would like to remind u all that our life is to short to be an arrogant and ignorant life to the fullest..hehe..c u all next week and have a great day ahead of u..
good job..waiting 4 ur next blog..